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Product code: | 01004 |
Number: | G9361004 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1980-1999 |
Vehicle type: | Pyöräajoneuvo |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The M1078 Standard Cargo Truck is designed to transport cargo and soldiers. The M1078 has a payload capacity of 5,000 pounds and to facilitate loading/unloading, the bed side rails are mounted on hinges and can be lowered. The cargo bed can be equipped with an optional bench seat kit for transport of soldiers. The bench seats are constructed of a non-wood material and attach to the cargo bed side rails. The seats can be folded down and stowed when not in use. Soldiers are assisted climbing in and out of the cargo bed area with the aid of a ladder stowed on the vehicle when not in use. A canvas and bows kit is available to keep soldiers and cargo protected from the elements. The M1078 can be equipped with an optional self-recovery winch kit capable of fore and aft vehicle recovery operations. The winch has 308 feet of line capacity and 10,000 pounds bare
Item No 01004
Item Name M1078 Light Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) Standard Cargo Truck
Bar Code 9580208010045
Scale 1:35
Item Type Static Armor
Model Brief Length: 183.7mm Width: 85.3mm Height: 83.2mm
Total Parts 430pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts 1pcs
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 9 sprues, Cab, 5X tyres
Paint Schemes U.S. Army
Released Date 2009-02
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