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Product code: | 07288 |
Number: | G9367288 |
Stock place: | 0.0 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1950-1959 |
Vehicle type: | Tela-ajoneuvo |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The M46 was an improved M26 Pershing tank and one of the U.S army's principal medium battle tanks of the early Cold War, with models in service from 1949 to the mid 1950s. The M46 tank was designed to replace the previous M26 Pershing and M4 Sherman. On 30 July 1948, standardized the M46 and named it the General Patton, in honor of General George S. Patton Jr. It was not widely used by U.S. Cold War allies, being exported only to Belgium, and only in small numbers to train crews on the upcoming M-47.
Item No 07288
Item Name US M46 Patton Medium Tank
Bar Code 9580208072883
Scale 1:72
Item Type Static Kit
Model Brief Length: 118.95mm Width: 49.2mm Height: 42.94mm
Total Parts 186pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts n/a
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 5 sprues plus lower hull and upper hull
Paint Schemes US Service, The famous Tiger faced tanks of the 6th Tank Bn. in Korea in 1951
Released Date 2008-11
More Features " Hull
- 2-directional slide-moulded lower hull with suspension arms separated
- 2-directional slide-moulded upper hull with with excellent engine c"
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