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Product code: | 02285 |
Number: | G9362285 |
: | |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The AV-8B Harrier II is a family of second-generation vertical/short takeoff and landing or V/STOL ground-attack aircraft of the late 20th century. It is primarily used for light attack or multi-role tasks, typically operated from small aircraft carriers and large amphibious assault ships. The AV-8B is used by the United States Marine Corps. The British Harrier GR7/GR9 versions are used by the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. Versions are also used by NATO countries: Spain, and Italy. The first AV-8B Harrier IIs produced were commonly known as the "Day Attack" variant, and are no longer in service. Most were upgraded to Night Attack Harrier or Harrier II Plus standards, with the remainder being withdrawn from service.
Item No 02285
Item Name AV-8B Night Attack Harrier II
Bar Code 9580208022857
Scale 1:32
Item Type Static Aircraft
Model Brief Length: 443.43mm Wingspan: 288.64mm
Total Parts 428pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts 1 piece
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 20 sprues;rubber tires
Paint Schemes " 1. ET-55 NO.164117 VMA-311 "TOMCAT",May 1992
2. WH-16 NO.163880 VMA-542 "TIGERS",July 2005"
Released Date 2010-01
More Features " Fuselage
- Slide-moulded fuselage w/authentic details
- Ω (omega) shape canopy is 2-directional slide-moulded
- Optional position flaps
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