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Product code: | 02272 |
Number: | G9362272 |
Stock place: | 0.0 |
: | |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The F-8 Crusader was one of the first true supersonic carrier-based fighter aircraft to be developed. In 1952, the US Navy was modernizing its carrier fighter force. From all the proposals, the new F-8 Crusader stood out and won the competition, it's maiden flight taking place on March 25th 1955. The design of the F-8 was unique in that the pitch of the entire wing could be adjusted in flight (up to +7°) to allow for a proper angle of approach at low speeds. This was necessary for carrier landings, The Crusader had a very impressive combat record with the Navy and Marine Corps in Vietnam, and was nicknamed "the Mig killer" because of its numerous victories over these jets. In fact, the F-8 shot down 14 Mig-17s and 4 Mig-21s during the Vietnam war. The F-8E variant was produced as a mutli-role attack fighter with an improved engine, new radar, and underwing pylons to carry up to two AGM-12 Bullpup missiles.
Item No 02272
Item Name F-8E Crusader
Bar Code 9580208022727
Scale 1:32
Item Type Static Aircraft
Model Brief Length: 524.6mm Width: 344.6mm
Total Parts 356pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts 1pcs
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 12 sprues
Paint Schemes " United States Navy F-8E from VF-162 of USS Oriskany, July 1968
United States Navy F-8E from VF-194 of USS Ticonderoga, 1968"
Released Date 2008-09
More Features " Fuselage
-Left and right fuselage moulded w/ authentic details
-Finely detailed " J57" turbojet engine .
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