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Product code: | 01524 |
Number: | G9361524 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1930-1949 |
Vehicle type: | Puolitela-ajoneuvo |
Country: | Saksa |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
Directly after the demonstration of the experimental Geraet 400 for Hitler on 24 October, on 21 November 1939 the Luftwaffe ordered 100 to be mounted on 8-ton Zugkraftwagen chassis. Originally, the 2 cm Flak 38-Vierling was secured with a central pivot mounting; later, base supports and rachets were used to secure the normal ground mount. Starting in 1942, an armor radiator shield and crew cab were intriduced as protection against shell fragments and small arms fire. The first series of 100 were completed from April 1940 through mid-1941. Continuing at a low rate of 10 per month in early 1942, production accelerated in August 1942 to meet the incrersed theart of Allied air power. Altogether about 750 to 800 were produced by the end of December 1944.
Item No 01524
Item Name German 2cm Flakvierling 38 auf Selbstfahrlafette (Sd.Kfz.7/1 Late Version)
Bar Code 9580208015248
Scale 1:35
Item Type Static Armor
Model Brief Length: 312.5mm Width: 69mm Height: 107mm
Total Parts 859pcs
Metal Parts Brass wire
Photo Etched Parts 5 frets
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 20 pcs sprues, 3 rubber tyres and Armored cab
Paint Schemes Markings are provided for vehicles in dark yellow with red brown and green camouflage scheme
Released Date 2009-07
More Features " Features:
- New tooled slide-moulded one-piece late type KM m11 mudguard
- Both sides panels and top panel of the engine hood can be open to show"
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