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Product code: | 00326 |
Number: | G9360326 |
Stock place: | 0.0 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1980-1999 |
Vehicle type: | Pyöräajoneuvo |
Country: | Japani |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
In the current of the years 1970, the terrestrial defense of the army of Japan, made the request for a new armoured vehicle with wheels of recognition, with a configuration 4 X 4 or 6 X 6, the last were selected for a future development. It was named Type 82 and was used as communication and command vehicle. The first vehicles were adopted in 1982. The driver sat with before right, another member of crew sat on the left, where a machine-gun of 7.62 mm is assembled. A machine-gun of 12.7 mm is assembled on the high part of the vehicle on the left. Hull length: 5.72m Width: 2.48m Height: 2.38m Weight: 13.6t Armament: 12.7mmMG×1 7.62mmMG×1 Engine: Isuzu Water cooled 4 cycle 10 cylinder diesel Max Hp: 220ps Road speed: 100km/h Crew: 10 Fording: 0.99m Trench: 1.5m Vertical obstacle: 0.6m Range: 500km
Item No 00326
Item Name JGSDF Type 82 Command post
Bar Code 6922803603261
Scale 1:35
Item Type Static Armor
Model Brief Length: 173 mm Width: 72mm
Total Parts 218pcs
Metal Parts Axle shaft
Photo Etched Parts Rain sweeper
Film Parts clear plastic pre-cut for windows & periscope lenses
Total Sprues 4pcs plus lower hull ,upper hull
Paint Schemes In service with the JGSDF
Released Date n/a
More Features Interior driving compartment details
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