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Product code: | 01002 |
Number: | G9361002 |
Stock place: | 0.0 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1960-1979 |
Vehicle type: | Pyöräajoneuvo |
Country: | Kiina |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
ZiL-157 is one of the most well-known Soviet automobiles. It was made in 1958 at the former USSR motor-car plant named I.A. Likhachev (former ZiS plant in Moscow). ZiL-157 was model based on the further design of the model ZiS-151 manufactured from 1948. The truck was designed as an army cross-country vehicle, that was why three drive axles were used and the diameter of wheels was enlarged plus special protector and the centralised system of press regulation in tyres were installed. High exploitation qualities of this vehicle made it an excellent base model for design of various modifications. Chassis of ZiL-157 was used as a base for various types of army vehicles: tank trucks, headquarters stations, radar stations, launchers and carrier for rockets, volley fire mortars like "Katyusha
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