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Product code: | 01550 |
Number: | G9361550 |
Stock place: | 0.0 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1960-1979 |
Vehicle type: | Tela-ajoneuvo |
Country: | Venäjä |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The T-62 originally was conceived as a companion weapon to the T-55.Being Essentially a T55 up gunned with the2A20 115mm cannon. Both the T-55 and the T-62 Used the same wheels, track, engine, transmission, hatches and other fittings. The primary differences between the two vehicles were the T-62’s lengthened hull and new turret design. The new UT-5 can-non could fire its BR-5 APFSDS steel round through approximately 300mm of armor at a range of 1000 meters. This was adequate to deal with the then perceived threat of such NATO tanks as the American M-48 and later models of the British Centurion. The T-62 was meant to add long range firing capability to Soviet tank regiments being placed alongside T-55s, but in the later years of its deployment it fulfilled much the same role as the T-55.
Item No | 01550 |
Item Name | Russian T-62 Mod.1975 (With KMT-6 Mine Plow) |
Bar Code | 9580208015507 |
Scale | 1:35 |
Item Type | Static Kit |
Model Brief | Length:286 mm Width: 95mm |
Total Parts | 570+ |
Metal Parts | copper cable , gun barrel |
Photo Etched Parts | 1 piece |
Film Parts | n/a |
Resin Parts | n/a |
Total Sprues | 22 sprues and lower hull |
Released Date | 2015-04 |
More Features | The kit consists of over 570 parts >the kit w/refined detail >multi-slide moulded lower hull & turret >217 individual tracks links >photo-etched fret included >KMT-6 Mine Plow included |
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