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Product code: | 09588 |
Number: | G9369588 |
Country: | Venäjä |
Vehicle type: | Tela-ajoneuvo |
Time period: | 2000-luku |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The T-80BVM is an upgraded version of the T-80BV main battle tank. It was first publicly revealed in 2017. The upgraded T-80BVM has slightly improved armor protection. It is fitted with Relikt explosive reactive armor kit. The same armor is used by the latest Russian main battle tanks, such as T-90M and T-90MS. However the T-80BVM was the first operational tank to be fitted with this new explosive reactive armor. The Relikt provides protection against tandem warheads and reduces penetration of APFSDS rounds by over 50%. The tank is fitted with rubber side skirts, with built-in armor plates. Rear parts of the hull and turret are covered by cage armor. The T-80BVM is reportedly fitted with a passive countermeasures system, which improved protection against some types of anti-tank guided missiles.
Item No | 09588 |
Item Name | Russian T-80BVM MBT(Marine Corps) |
Bar Code | 9580208095882 |
Scale | 1:35 |
Item Type | Plastic Model Armor Kit |
Model Brief | Length: 280.2mm Width: 106.8mm |
Total Parts | 970+ |
Metal Parts | copper cable |
Photo Etched Parts | 2 pcs |
Film Parts | n/a |
Resin Parts | n/a |
Total Sprues | 30 sprues and lower hull |
Released Date | 2021-08 |
More Features | The kit consists of over 970 parts >the kit w/refined detail >multi-slide moulded turret and lower hull >192 individual tracks links >Etched Photo parts included |
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