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Product code: | 05724 |
Number: | G9365724 |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
: | |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
Length: 205.3m Beam: 21.6m Displacement: 13600t The BALTIMORE (CA-68) was launched 28 July 1942, commissioned 15 April 1943, and reported to the Pacific Fleet. Between November 1943 and June 1944 BALTIMORE was a unit of the fire support and covering forces at the operations in the Southeast Asia. In July 1944, she embarked President Roosevelt and his party and steamed to Pearl Harbor. Returning to the war zone in November 1944, she was assigned to the 3rd Fleet. On 26 January 1945 she joined the 5th Fleet for her final operations of the war: Honshu Island attacks; Iwo Jima operation; and the 5th Fleet raids in support of the Okinawa operation. After the cessation of hostilities BALTIMORE served as a unit of the “Magic Carpet” fleet and then as a part of the naval occupation force in Japan BALTIMORE received nine battle stars for her service in the Pacific during World War II.
Item No 05724
Item Name USS BALTIMORE CA-68 1943
Bar Code 6922803657240
Scale 1:700
Item Type Static Kit
Model Brief Length: 294 .7mm Width: 32.2mm
Total Parts 229pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts n/a
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 14pcs sprues plus lower hull, upper hull, decks and waterline plate and display stand
Paint Schemes 1943 Measure 21
Released Date n/a
More Features Either waterline version or full hull version can be selected
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