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Product code: | 07271 |
Number: | G9367271 |
Stock place: | 0.0 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1980-1999 |
Vehicle type: | Pyöräajoneuvo |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
LAV is an eight-wheeled APC used by the USMC? built by General Dynamics Land Systems Canada, based on the Swiss Piranha family? LAV-AT fitted with an Emerson 901A1 TOW 2 ATGM, the same turret that was fitted on the M901 ITV. It is also armed with a pintle mounted M240E1 machine gun. It carries a total of 16 TOW missiles, and 1,000 rounds of 7.62 mm ammunition Item No 07271
Item Name LAV-AT (Anti-Tank)
1:72Item Type Static KitModel Brief Length: 89.1mm Width: 34.7mm Height: 50.4mmTotal Parts 83pcs Total Sprues 2 sprues plus lower hull, upper hull, 8 tyres
Paint Schemes United States Marine Corps LAV-AT
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