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Number: | U6826 |
Stock place: | C20 |
Contents: | Pelkät renkaat |
Type: | Buggy rengas/vanne |
Scale: | 1/10 skaalan renk/vanteet |
Brand: | Schumacher |
Mini Dart 1/10 - Rear - Yellow (pr)
1/10 krossirengas taakse. Sopii 2WD ja 4WD malleihin.
Rengas toimii loistavasti matolla ja turffilla.
Suitable for Carpet and Astro tracks.
Low profile, less traction roll on high grip tracks and improved bump handling.
Mini Dart, midway between mini pin and mini spike making it extremely versatile for carpet and astro.
Long life and an ideal tyre for control tyre racing.
Rear, 4WD and slim 2WD front tyres available.
BRCA legal width with less side overhang.
Available in Yellow for carpet and dry astro, Silver for wet astro and Blue for super long life.
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