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Product code: | 100-SH72502 |
Number: | G7009502 |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
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The P-40 US-built fighter aeroplane is one of the very iconic types of
the war and was also supplied to the Allies, named the Kittyhawk. The
P-40N was the final production version and in US colours it mainly flew
over China, India and Pacific battlefields. Serving with various units,
the machines wore different style of markings referring to the squadron
or group they flew in. Some of the Pacific island-based machines were
also painted sand which was better suited to the place of deployment.
Our kit SH72502 brings excellent quality styrene parts along with a
decal sheet with markings for four US machines. Two of the chosen
schemes are while the other two wore standard Olive Drab /
Neutral Gray scheme. And all four have eye-catching and colourful
individual markings.
- the very best P-40 kit currently available
- very interesting schemes
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