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Product code: | L-T3349BM |
Number: | LT3349BM |
Type: | Truck rengas/vanne |
Scale: | 1/5 skaalan renk/vanteet |
Hex size: | 24mm |
Contents: | Renkaat vanteilla |
Brand: | Louise |
Truck tires for the high performance Arrma Kraton 8s. The new X-CHAMP tire has the new incorporated MFT technology that is engineered to limit tire expansion (normally refered to as "balooning"). They are mounted on a new very sturdy black nylon 7-spoke wheels with a Kraton 8s specific 24 mm hex. The X-CHAMP tire is a good allround tire for most rougher surfaces including grass and clay!
Micro Fiber Tech Features (MFT):
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