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Product code: | 01075 |
Number: | G9361075 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1930-1949 |
Vehicle type: | Pyöräajoneuvo |
Country: | Venäjä |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
Katyusha multiple rocket launchers are a type of rocket artillery first built and fielded by the Soviet Union in World War II. Multiple rocket launchers such as these deliver explosives to a target area more quickly than conventional artillery, but with lower accuracy and requiring a longer time to reload. They are fragile compared to artillery guns, but are inexpensive and easy to produce.
Katyushas of World War II, were usually mounted on trucks. This mobility gave the Katyusha another advantage: being able to deliver a large blow all at once, and then move before being located and attacked with counter-battery fire.
This variant BM-13NM uses postwar chassis ZIL-157 and was produced since 1958 to middle of 1960s.
Item No | 01075 |
Item Name | Soviet 2B7 Multiple Rocket Launcher BM-13 NM |
Bar Code | 9580208010755 |
Scale | 1:35 |
Item Type | Plastic Model Armor Kit |
Model Brief | Length: 214.3mm Width: 75.7mm |
Total Parts | 480+ |
Metal Parts | n/a |
Photo Etched Parts | 1 piece |
Film Parts | n/a |
Resin Parts | n/a |
Total Sprues | 14 sprues , launch tracks, cab and tires |
Released Date | 2020-09 |
More Features | > Detailed multi-directional slide-molded cab. > Full drive train assembly complete with engine transmission, differential housing and suspension units. > The main tires are hollow rubber with very good tread pattern > The windshield and side win |
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