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Product code: | 01577 |
Number: | G9361577 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1930-1949 |
Vehicle type: | Tela-ajoneuvo |
Country: | Saksa |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) was originally a Czech tank of pre-World War II design. After Czechoslovakia was taken over by Germany, it was adopted by the German Army, seeing service in the invasions of Poland and Russia. Production ended in 1942, when its armament was deemed inadequate. In all, over 1400 were manufactured. The chassis continued to be produced for Hetzer and Marder III tank destroyers, turretless assault guns, anti-tank guns and anti-aircraft guns.
Item No 01577
Item Name German PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.E/F
Bar Code 9580208015774
Scale 1:35
Item Type Static Kit
Model Brief Length:129.7 mm Width:60.8 mm
Total Parts 260+pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts 1piece
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 10 sprues,lower hull and turret
Paint Schemes German PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.E/F
Released Date 2011-05
More Features " The kit consists of over 260 parts
>the kit w/refined detail
>multi-slide moulded lower hull & turret
>115 individual tracks links
>8 parts on one photo-etched fret"
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