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Product code: | 01516 |
Number: | G9361516 |
Time period: | Ajanjakso 1930-1949 |
Vehicle type: | Rautatiekalusto |
Country: | Saksa |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
It was suggested in mid-1943 to make the Triebwagen 51 , but by the time design and construction was completed in 1944-45, it was too late to be of any significant use in WWII. It was equipped with an armored railcar 7.5cm KwK L/48 guns(in Panzer IV/H), which provided strong enough firepower to be used for anti-tank purposes . There were only three of this railcar made (No. 51-53) and all were found at the factory by Allied forces, but it is questionable whether any ever went into service.
Item No 01516
Item Name Panzerjager-Triebwagen 51
Bar Code 9580208015163
Scale 1:35
Item Type Static Armor
Model Brief Length: 405.5mm Width: 88.2mm Height: 107.5mm
Total Parts 737pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts 4pcs
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 10 sprues, lower hull, upper hull and 5 section road beds
Paint Schemes Panzerjager-Triebwagen 51 1945.color:desert yellow
Released Date 2009-10
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