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Product code: | 05772 |
Number: | G9365772 |
Stock place: | 0.0 |
Country: | Yhdysvallat |
: | |
Brand: | Trumpeter |
The second ship to be named after the 35th State, and the fourth and last in the Coloradoclass. Laid down at theNewport Newsshipyard in April 1920, launched in 1921 and commissioned for service onDecember 1st 1923. During the 'twenties and 'thirtiesWEST VIRGINIAwas engaged on training and various fleet problem-solving exercises. Deployed toHawaiiin 1940, later hit and badly damaged by the Japanese Navy in the attack onPearl HarboronDecember 7th 1941.
Refloated in May 1942 and dry-docked for rehabilitation and extensive modernisation. After refit was completed in July 1944,WEST VIRGINIAresumed active service in the Leyte Gulf naval battle,LingayanGulf, and battles of Iwo Jima andOkinawa.WEST VIRGINIAassisted the Allied Forces afterJapan's surrender, finally returning to standby.WEST VIRGINIAwas retired in 1947 and sold for scrap in 1959.
Item No | 05772 |
Item Name | USS West Virginia BB-48 1945 |
Bar Code | 9580208057729 |
Scale | 1:700 |
Item Type | Static kit |
Model Brief | Length: 272.2mm Beam: 48mm |
Total Parts | 610+ |
Metal Parts | n/a |
Photo Etched Parts | 1 pc |
Film Parts | n/a |
Resin Parts | n/a |
Total Sprues | 23 sprues, upper hull, lower hull, waterline plate, deck and stand |
Released Date | 2015-02 |
More Features | - Lower hull & upper hull made from multi-directional slide moulds. - Either full hull version or waterline version can be selected. - Deck wood pattern finely rendered - Contains three SC-1 plane - Contains display stand and engraved name plate |
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